To be THE BEST… is to imply that your peers; reviewers and major publishers Love your work.. This is the mind based reality of what books are worthy to be read; in much mind based literature…
Let’s allow ourselves to Reflect on the Nature of Best in Metaphysical books.. The Best Book is the one that was a Game Changer for YOU… It enables You the Seeker of Truth to find a visionary writer who captured not only the imagination of the readers collectively; but You Personally to make Fundamental Life Changes in your life…
For me; books which reflect The Best of what My Consciousness is ready to receive… were favourite child’s fairy tales, which took me out of Myself… The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett was for me at the age of 12, was perfect for what my Consciousness needed then.. As the Divine Feminine was being explored in the 90’s any book by Dion Fortune – The Sea Priestess; Moon Magic were My Go To…
The Best Books on Metaphysics of All times are in fact timeless…
They reflect Vision; Attainment; Miracles happening when we step out of third dimensional consciousness…
Do they need a Review from the Dalai Lama or Not?
Whilst Reviews from powerful Spiritual leaders are wonderful and acknowledge the worth of the author metaphysically; you may like to Consider Where You Are Energetically… to decide What Metaphysical books will work for YOU right now…
Timeless Truth is Heart based and reflects Heart Based Living…
Louise Hay’s books started a Revolution with GRATITUDE for Everything…
Changing Consciousness is an evolving thing.. As we Step into Heart Consciousness; Heart Coherence; books on Heart Intelligence – Carmel Glenane or Heart Math Institute literature brings powerful ancient practices suitable for our time metaphysically…
Books are to be Read; Released or Held onto. The 10 Best are the ones you can read time and time again and find New Truths in their chapters…
Books are written on Caves as paintings; or tomb walls… The Egyptian Book of The Dead written in Hieroglyphic script on a papyrus scroll… or your own book; so you write for Yourself…
If a Metaphysical Book resonates with You.. and You create Major Change…. then it is Your Best Seller, because IT changed You…
Birth your own Best Seller, write from your Heart… That’s what I do…
Happy Scribing Readers!
Heart I Love you,
Carmel Glenane