COURAGE to Open your HEART

To begin to find within your HEART, a sense of PEACE and STILLNESS is a journey of inner discovery few of us allow ourselves to FULLY EXPERIENCE.

To open up to this intimate and unique view of your totality takes COURAGE; yes COURAGE! Because of the resistance your mind and emotional heart will put up. As so many people brace themselves for the resistance of what they might expect in this intimate encounter with the most exquisite Being you could possible imagine – YOURSELF! They miss out on the introduction to a part of themselves they may never meet.

IMAGINE taking a journey to an exquisite, exotic destination and NOT leaving your resort compound.  You will see, hear, taste, touch and smell familiar senses; ones your Mind can comfortable deal with.

However, if you are able to find the COURAGE to Step OUTSIDE the resort, you will be able to EXPERIENCE these same senses; Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Touching and Smellingthrough a NEW Avenue.

Right NOW, ALLOW yourself this COURAGE, to find your Secret Exquisite Being – YOURSELF. For this is what Being Human is, a SWEET Intimate Inner Discovery of your True ONE HEART.

What will this journey of Inner discovery bring you?

You will find a SELF you didn’t know existed; talents, gifts, health, rejuvenation and exquisite peace, that you are in exactly the right place at the right time to birth your new CORE view of yourself.

To ALLOW yourself to live with an ABUNDANT HEART is to open up to your Divinely Feminine Self; strengthening and fortifying your BASE – Self Nurturing Energy Belt and your SELF – your Heart Energy Belt, to bring you into resonance with your Divine birthright your Divinely Feminine RECEIVING SELF.

IMAGINE now, the discovery embracing another part of your totality:

This part of YOURSELF is your Divinely Masculine Self. Your divinely Masculine Self creates with the Ancient Spiritual Law: The Law of ALLOWANCE. The Law of Allowance is the part of us that knows what our HEARTS TRUTH needs and the ALLOWANCE births this Remembering.

As you begin this Inner Discovery, taking you on The direct Path; The Middle Ground; stating your FRAMED INTENT; to live in complete co-creation with your Hearts Truth;

Two Guardians join you:

  • Turn to your LEFT – Greet The Divine Feminine Being
  • Turn to your RIGHT – Greet The Divine Masculine Being

These Beings are your Guides and Companions on the journey to the Heart. However, you will need to ACCEPT the Terms and Conditions of them being with you. The CONTRACT IS: “SELF RESPONSIBILITY”

If you are choosing the path of Immortality as a Personal Philosophy, you will need to take Absolute and Complete Responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

This part is the toughest part of your human journey because, everywhere, you are being presented with options to lay the blame on someone else; it is just so easy to do this. My bad marriage, my shocking childhood, the circumstances of my birth, and so on and so forth—this must stop if you want to challenge yourself to a fully realized path.

The energy and essence of a fully realized path creates in you devotion and loyalty to yourself. You are a living piece of artwork. Imagine the most stunning sculpture; really sculpt yourself on yourself now. You are a timeless treasure in human form. However, for this to happen, you must visualize yourself releasing all the negativity that makes up your life—all the stored angers, hurts, badness, and rage— and just sweep them all away.

Your Responsibility to Yourself will Grow, and every time you don’t (or choose not to) hold on to a hurt, you are refining yourself and creating the perfect, sculpted shape: really create yourself now. Really allow yourself the picture of true beauty. The truly beautiful artwork is you in your true essence and love for yourself. This time is one of pure peace, love, and light for who you are.

I just absolutely love who I am now, and I bring to my life all that this love creates. This love creates in me now a sense of wonderment in the true trust process.

The True Trust process is taking Full Responsibility for your creation: YOU. You have created you; now you must feel free to release that creation and be a witness to your wholeness: be a witness to your wholeness now!

Are you READY to OPEN up to this most Intimate Encounter with the most Exquisite Being – YOURSELF?


Don’t look back; The Direct Path; The Middle Ground; The Path of The Heart await you.

Heart I Love you,




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