Whether you believe if Atlantis existed or not; doesn’t really matter, however, the name Atlantis, stirred up deep Cellular Remembering in me, when I first heard the name…
I decided to study philosophy at University as part of my degree, while I was lectured on Greek philosophers, vast volumes of text were required reading. One day I struck Gold… Plato (the Greek philosopher) was writing about an Ancient Civilization called Atlantis; and how the society operated. Of course there was nothing about Crystalline Technology or Metaphysics…
- The Name ATLANTIS haunted me; I wanted more…as my Cellular Remembering became Awakened to the Intelligence of the Atlanteans as a civilization…
Crystalline Technologies , back in the 80’s were just beginning to be opened up to. Marcel Vogel (an IBM scientist) was doing revolutionary experiments in Crystalline technology. Marcel’s wisdom had a profound effect on me then; as it does now…
Through my friend, who was a PHD Professor at another University, I was able to witness my scientist friends fascination with what Marcel Vogel was doing with Crystals; and his sponsoring Marcel to his university for finding how Crystalline Technology heals with LOVE, when properly programmed.
- Marcel proved that Crystals become alive with LOVE..
- The inert Crystalline Intelligence responds with programmed INTENT; with the Magical ingredient: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE…
There just seemed a knowing within me, that the Ancient Atlantean civilization and Crystalline Intelligence were Linked…
Atlantis inhabitants wielded incredible powers through sacred geometric forms in crystals. I was able to tap into the Collective Memory field of the Atlanteans; and books, metaphysical & scientific became available to me.. Including the book by Michael Gienger’s study of sacred geometric structured cells being part of our liquid light crystalline cells…
So how do we utilize these extraordinary resources…
- Simple….Send Unconditional Love to your Crystals…
Regardless if it is Crystal Jewellery; Crystal specimens or Crystal Singing Bowls…
Depending on the PURITY of the Natural Crystal… (not synthetic crystals or chemicals placed in crystals to make them more appealing to the public..)
The Crystalline Structure is inert/dormant unless given a Loving Thought…
Try saying to your Crystal…who is a conduct for Earth Mothers Intelligence…
- “Heart I love you, Earth Mother”.
- “Please help me with…..(name whatever the problem) … I am experiencing and allow me to receive your healing through this crystal.”
FEEL the Exchange… it may be a ripple through your body; your feet can tingle; your heart begins to pump; it doesn’t matter… your CELLS are Tingling; Earth Mother has Gifted you with the Exchange…
- Express GRATITUDE to Earth Mother…
Know that the greatest civilization is in the HEART of the EARTH…. And she gifts us with Her powers; as she did ALL Civilizations who use Her gifts with Humility and Service…
If you too….want MORE… Check out my FREE CLASS to Teach you the Ancient Atlantean Secrets to Manifestation…
Heart I love you,
Marcel Vogel
Michael Gienger
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