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Intelligent Heart – Awakening the Heart of Humanity..

Why would the Heart of Humanity want Awakening anyway?

To begin the exploration of Awakening anything… there must be a Collective Force of Intelligent Hearts, who actually are in the process of Awakening their own Hearts…

So the Answer, actually lies within Yourself…

  • Are you Willing to Awaken your Own Heart?
  • Why would you want to do this?

I awaken my heart by observing:  ‘Where my mind is running the show’ and demanding too much of the overtaxed, hardworking, independent heart…

For the Heart is all of these things and more…

  • To completely disregard your cars engine, while decorating the exterior, is to miss the point of why you have a car in the first place…

Your Heart, like the car, brings you Freedom &  Independence and when properly looked after… a long Healthy Disease Free Life….

Humanity’s Heart is Your heart actually…

Awakening the Heart of Humanity is to be Free of  the mind – the Collective Mind of Humanity has on All humans…

Our Global Heart – the Heart of Humanity needs to allow itself to be The Observer; The Witness to the cunning reptilian intelligence the collective mind has.. IE: Greed, Ego, the 7 deadly sins etc… 

To disregard the reason you; The Intelligent Heart, came to Earth for…  Is to drive blind folded..  You miss the landscape, the people, the adventure of being human etc… 

To arrive at you destination not having trusted your Intelligent Heart to give you All the answers to your life’s journey, not only robs you, but the Heart of Humanity as well.

Science teaches us what the Ancient Sages and Wisdom Teachers have taught Seekers and Initiates for eons, that we are a Collective ONE HEART… A Remembered Heart, and our vibrations affect not only humanity, but ALL of LIFE on our planet and the multiple universes we are All part of…

For our Hearts to be as ONE, we must be in a vibration, resonating with the Awakening Heart of Humanity…


Be Accepting of Yourself and Self Nurture…

You will not only be making yourself feel better, you are Activating the Heart of humanity to do the same..

Your Core; Your Remembering activates when you say:  

  • Heart I love you…
  • Heart I love you, Earth Mother…
  • Heart I love you, humanity….

Remember, we are the ONE HEART…

Let our Hearts beat to the ONE DRUM…

The One True …. LOVE…

Heart, I love you, 

Carmel Glenane 

AWAKEN Your Immortal Intelligent Heart