Mt Shasta Serpentine / Ocean Indium / Platinum Alchemy™ (inside) 8” F-35 – Heart Chakra


Mt Shasta Serpentine / Ocean Indium / Platinum Alchemy™ (inside) 8” F-35 – Heart Chakra – Kundalini Rising – Longevity – Divine Feminine – Crystal Tones®️Partner

Mt Shasta Serpentine Alchemy™: Connect with the mystical and magical properties of the Mt. Shasta vortex, and commune with the earth devas of the plant kingdom by attuning yourself to the frequencies of the Serpentine.

Ocean Indium Alchemy™: holds a higher, softer magenta frequency that communicates to and assists the body in morphing to an anti-aging, balanced state. Enhanced with Indium, a trace element that promotes longevity and mineral absorption in the body.

Platinum Alchemy™ : Divine Feminine: Pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in our yin energy Platinum that stimulates the Divine Feminine.

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Mt Shasta Serpentine / Ocean Indium / Platinum Alchemy™ (inside) 8” F-35 – Heart Chakra – Kundalini Rising – Longevity – Divine Feminine – Crystal Tones®️Partner
Mt Shasta Serpentine Alchemy™: Connect with the mystical and magical properties of the Mt. Shasta vortex, and commune with the earth devas of the plant kingdom by attuning yourself to the frequencies of the Serpentine Bowl. Its green colour honours the wisdom keepers of the plant and mineral kingdom as the Serpentine alchemy gives voice to their sacred knowledge. The spiraling tones of Serpentine bowl uncoil the serpent of Kundalini energy that rises from the base of the spine, climbing upward through the trunk and bursting forth with the fruits of enlightenment. The natural green energy of Serpentine keeps you grounded for a more graceful transformation, and this makes it the ultimate Feng Shui bowl, linking you with the natural ebb and flow of all life.

Ocean Indium Alchemy™: holds a higher, softer magenta frequency that communicates to and assists the body in morphing to an anti-aging, balanced state. Enhanced with Indium, a trace element that promotes longevity and mineral absorption in the body, the Violet and Indium sine waves of this blend expand Spirit Within. A catalyst for improved lifestyles with greater flow of chi, better diet, mobility, third eye (pineal gland) activation, a fuller spiritual alignment and balanced male and female energies. Manifest the cosmic blueprint of whole brain experience with Ocean Indium.

Platinum Alchemy™ : Divine Feminine: Pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in our yin energy Platinum Bowl that stimulates the Divine Feminine, relieves stress and depression and aligns the intuitive emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath – a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration

DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES: As you allow the Power of your life gather momentum, you are constantly witnessing the Force and Power of your creations manifest for you in a very magical way indeed. This is time now to really INTEND that your Life and World brings you to the space of true Absoluteness, where nothing else matters except your power to RECEIVE.

SOUND SAMPLE – Please Listen with Headphones

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