The ALCHEMIES of ISIS – Ascension Pathway Course


As you open the Gateway to your Immortal Intelligent Heart, you are being met by Isis The Goddess, Divine Mother at Gateway 2 – The Gateway of SELF RESPECT in The Atlantis Rising Mystery School ASCENSION Training Grid.


As you open the Gateway to your Immortal Intelligent Heart, you are being met by Isis The Goddess, Divine Mother at Gateway 2 – The Gateway of SELF RESPECT in The Atlantis Rising Mystery School ASCENSION Training Grid.

Goddess Isis brings the Frequency of TRUTH for All of Life in Relationship patterning..  For your life and world you are Embracing a New Way of being human and this is to CONSIDER YOURSELF… FIRST… in Everything…

Isis creates through Balanced Love…  Your GIFT is to Yourself; to claim Authority over rampant fear and darkness creating a shadow over your Divinely Feminine Self to RECEIVE LOVE.

  • This Course has 8 Modules with Video & Audio Activations/Encodements and Reflection Questions..
  • Each Module has a One on One Scheduled PRIVATE  End of Module Progress Consultation with Carmel Glenane.

This Ascension Course provides you with a Step-By-Step Initiatory progression inviting you to explore your own Multi-dimensionality whilst in a human incarnation. By Integrating and Earthing through The Mystery School Guides at the different levels, enables you to feel fully engaged in the joy and challenge of being human. Through the sacred mysteries of The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine you are a witness to the transformative and magical power of the ‘Mothers’ Wisdom being revealed to you, bringing you a sense of Peace, Light and Order in your world.


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