Violet Flame Sky 6″ D-25 – Belly Chakra


Transmute Illusion – Purifying, burns away all the negative energy that attaches to us. It also helps to see through the illusion of things.

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VIOLET FLAME SKY 6’ D-25 – Belly Chakra

Transmute Illusion – Advanced Alchemy –

The Atlantean Force of Will, Power, Light and Manifestation through crystalline intelligence is activated in attuning to the Violet Flame Ray.  Violet Flame Alchemies,  manifests to bring the full Force of Remembering to your Consciousness.  To create as a magician requires this powerful Manifestable Force; Illuminating  your Consciousness now.  Soothes and calms. Allowing one to be. Expresses all your hearts truth, desires and allows peace and enlightenment.  Purifying, burns away all the negative energy that attaches to us. It also helps to see through the illusion of things.

DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES: This alchemy invites you to ALLOW…This is a time to recognise and support your Earth Power and know the Earth and her Secrets, bring lasting Peace and raw Magical Power. Connecting now deeply to the ancient secrets of the Land and its peoples brings you into resonance with your Magical Power; for the Magician You Are.


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