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REIKI… How this Energy Healing Works and its Health Benefits

To source how any Energy Healing system works, including Reiki, is to be in alignment with the Forces assisting you…

Firstly, Reiki whilst ‘Discovered’ in Japan in the earlier part of this century, has its Source in the Vibrations of the Universal Heart…

It works because we Allow the vibration of this Source Energy be Downloaded.  As Reiki has been described as ’Universal Light Energy’ its availability is through Surrendering the mind to Receive its Health Benefits…

Reiki allows Light into the Aura; Energy Field and Light Body…  It Transmutes discordant Energy in our Cells which can lead to disease; loss of vitality and most importantly Life Force…

By Accepting that we need to Receive Life giving, Transformative and Miraculous Healing of Universal Life Force Energy.   We become a Receiver for Source Energy…

Where does Source Energy – Reiki Energy come from?

It comes from the Black Heart of the Stellar void, which is the nucleus of creation…  All Love – All One Heart Love resides in this Black space… (called the Unified Field; Still Point; Black Heart)

To describe the Health benefits of Reiki, it must be acknowledged that the Ancients are with the Channel (the Reiki Healer) who has been Attuned with the Sacred Symbols to bring through the Energy Frequency of Reiki… 

Traditional Usui Reiki; teaches through THREE Levels of Attunement.  However it is the INTENT of the Healer, who has been attuned to Reiki and the commitment to Embody the Energy which builds up the Energy Currency for Reiki to have Miraculous Healing outcomes…

I have been Teaching; Healing and Living the Embodiment of Reiki since I first heard of Reiki in 1991…  The name Reiki seized me…. and I have spent the past 30 years, not only Teaching and Healing with Reiki but also leading Groups to Mt Kurama – Japan, Reiki’s Birth home… 

Reiki’s health benefits cannot be described in a linear way, because it negates the understanding of its Source Energy.

Let’s Attune to our Intelligent Hearts right now and Allow our Hearts to speak to each other through Reiki:  

Just spending a couple of minutes FEELING the Universal LOVE the Reiki Guides have for us on Earth…Brings All our Hearts into Concordance… Where we, as a species, Raise our Vibration to birth the Force of Reiki…  As a Universal Heart Frequency…

Our Totality becomes One with Reiki…  This is the Miracle of Reiki…  Expect Miracles…  Say:

  • Heart I Love you…
  • I now Expect Miracles…
  • I now give All Love and All truth for my Miracles to Manifest…
  • I am Grateful…

Carmel Glenane..

Reiki Training is Available at Atlantis Rising Healing Centre & Mystery School.