The moment my first consignment of Crystal Tones® sonic masterpieces arrived on September 2014 – New Moon- exactly 2.21p.m. from Utah (could that date not be divinely delivered!) my Healing Centre became an “Embodiment of Truth.” as a Crystal Tones® Singing Bowl Temple.
Cradling the first bowl dedicated to Goddess Sekhment /Hathor (Ancient Egyptian Goddess of sound!) I experienced an explosion of primal energy which reverbrated into the Black Heart of ‘Mother Earth’ herself. I knew I was in the presence of intelligences, which were going to explode my Heart’s Consciousness….
Are YOU ready for the Initiatory experience of being a Custodian of your personally prescribed set of Crystal Tones® Alchemy Sound Bowls?
Ask your heart?
My birth land, Gondwanaland, Australia, a most ancient of lands, in her empty, vast continent of desert, light and stillness, these bowls are weaving their magic as ‘power rods’ of light into the Black Heart of Mother Earth herself.
In healing and ceremony I am under their Guardianship. Healers from around the world are beginning to arrive at Atlantis Rising Temple, including “Gradmother Haka”, healers from New Zealand.
In my Sound Bath Group Meditations, and Senju Kannon Reiki™ trainings, the rainbow serpent energy is gridding inverted pyramids deep into Mother Earth, guiding us to create as “Immortals”. (refer to my book “Awaken your Immortal Intelligent Heart)
Sound, colour, and minerals in Crystal Tones® Sound Bowls dissolve consciousness, displacing it. There becomes a need to create a new language, a new Pattern of Remembering, new Pathways in the recoding of your Cellular Remembering….
Your receptivity to Receive Love become Activated. Sound penetrates all levels of your Cellular Remembering. I’m using the bowls, with groups in Sound Bath meditations, one-on-one healings, and reiki training. Testamonials received are mind blowing and I’ve been full time in healing over 20 years
Who was my first client to purchase a sound bowl, to create a new pattern of remembering?
No, not a spiritual guru, student, sound master, or member of the public… but, my Mother……… My mum has alzheimer’s disease. Her old consciousness would have said, “Carmel, these look like lovely fruit bowls”, she did not believe in “energy”! However, the horizon between the minds language and her Heart’s Intelligence became Activated and created new Pathways in her Cellular Remembering, without “knowing” it, my mother insisted on purchasing a Crystal Tones® sound alchemy bowl after hearing a Crystal Tones® C/D. “I just have to hear that sound!”
Atmospheric conditions change when High Priestesses and High Priests created Ritual Magic in Sound Temples. I have been teaching ancient Egyptian magic, taking my 12th teaching tour to Egypt next November. In all Egyptian Temples, especially the Pyramid of Giza, lightening and thunder would be seen from the pyramid when magic was performed, terrifying the villagers. I have been observing the weather patterns in my area since Sound Bath Meditations commenced. Its begins raining, occasionally thunder and lightening, especially when we are doing earth gridding activations.
With one group I activated their MtDna (Mitochondrial DNA) from my book “Awaken your immortal Intelligent Heart”. Choosing “Five Primary Bowls” especially charged to act as code breakers to the Heart’s Intelligence……
The first bowl was sounded to ‘Awaken’ the Heart’s Intelligence, (I called this bowl the “Heart I love YOU”, Pink Ocean Alchemy). My second choice for ‘Activating the Heart’s Hormonal function’; (Gorgeous Blue Moonstone). The third sound bowl chosen for ‘Awakening the Feminine MtDNA’, (a 12″ Ruby Mother). Fourth bowl for ‘Awakening the Heart’s Five Primary senses’. (Magic Egyptian Blue bowl). and Black Tourmaline Practitioner for activating the ‘Black Heart’, (also called the Goddess void) My group Intent was set to Receive Love.
These sonic masterpieces purged out desire and fear bringing the ‘spirit of love’ to us all. Secondary bowls were used, again five, the number of alchemy, to create the backdrop for the primary bowls to do their work. Result – ‘PEACE AND TRUTH IN LOVE’.
After you have selected your own signature bowl, try attuning to your ‘Hearts Intelligence’ with it under the guidance of the Mother Isis (refer to my book “The Alchemies of Isis”) by visualizing a figure 8 coming from the ‘bowl’s heart’ (Lupito calls it the “sweet spot” -divine name-) you will be given the most potent magic, which is the awakening of your own ‘Black Heart’ (again you can read the information in my books “Awaken your Immortal Intelligent Heart” or “The Alchemies of Isis”). You can link with Mother Earth’s Black Heart.
Your signature sound bowl becomes your friend. Remember the bowl is created from rare minerals and metals from the mineral kingdom. Have this introduction take place through the bowls heart to Mother Earth…… Mother Earth’s Black Heart shakes up all old belief patterns. The energy of the sound bowls gets you there, Mother Earth just sucks your fear into the starry black void of her big Black Heart. (I bet some of you are feeling that right now…I am). I visualize myself in the sarcophagos of the King’s Chamber Pyramid in Egypt, enacting this mystery. Join me in November 2015 Egypt – for these magical activations which will include inverting pyramids into your own temple, your heart, in all the temple of Egypt.
Holding the consciousness of your Heart’s Intelligence, living through it as a High Priestess or High Priest (refer to my books ) is the greatest gift of being human.
Your Crystal Tones® family of bowls, is the ‘power rod’ to Earth your Heart.
Become the alchemist, smash your illusions.
Your heart will love you for it.
REFERENCES: Awaken your Immortal Intelligent Heart
The Alchemies of Isis Embodiment through The High Priestess
Embodying the Divine Masculine of All Truth through The High Priest
Hi Carmel,
the blog is a wonderful tool for inspiring, assuring and motivating me to “get going” with heart energy and healing! Great work! love Helen.
Hi Carmel,
Thank you for your wonderful connection of information. I love your web site and information provided. I always spread the news of your masterful healing powers and the times you have changed my vibrations to make me feel better.
I am planning visiting good old Coolie very soon, I will pop in for a tune up on the crystal bowls. I have been busy chasing fraudsters (still investigating) and feeding my 20 pet cows.
Kind regards, with much love,