Atlantean Stargate Crystal Stone


The greatest Gift a person can receive or purchase is the Gift of Natural Stone Jewellery…  It is the umbilicus which links us to the Source of All Life on Earth… EARTH MOTHER…

The jewellery is specifically designed as AMULETS…

These specially designed Amulets have Powerful Symbolism… Linking you to Ancient Sources of Wisdom,  eg: the Flower of Life symbol, Sacred Geometry etc. with gems or crystals..

PLEASE NOTE: Each Amulet is handmade/unique and designed exclusively for Atlantis Rising.. So if an Amulet resonates with you, be sure to allow yourself the Gift of connecting with Earth Mother through her sacred Gems & Crystals.

Crystal Stone Jewellery has been Worn; Held and Celebrated with for ancient Traditions, Ceremony, Friendship, Engagements, Weddings, and Gifts since the beginning of human inhabitation on the planet.

The Crystal provides a Direct Link with the Soul of the person…

In ancient times the most common use for Crystals was for Protection – Black Tourmaline; Grounding – Smokey Quartz; Heart Healing – Rose Quartz and other organs. The application is endless and Talismans; Amulets and consecrated Crystal Stone Jewellery gives Life Force and real connection to our Souls Ancestry through the Earth herself…

Designer Jewellery

Crystal Stone Jewellery has been retailed as a Tool of Empowerment at Atlantis Rising Healing Centre for 30 years.. Our vast range of Amulets are selected and hand crafted by our personal designer, amulet maker, and are uniquely stamped ‘Atlantis’.. Rare, precious and semiprecious crystal stones are carefully chosen for their unique perfect symmetry and classic design, giving the client his/her Signature Crystal Stone Jewellery Amulet.

The power of consecrated Jewellery, hand crafted in high quality Silver allows the client to experience the exquisite One Only Custom Design just for them… Client’s globally know the most powerful highly charged and activated Crystal Stone Jewellery Amulets are Magical Tools of co-creation with the Divine Source Energy and Earth Mothers Being.

Earth Mother

If fact when the Heart; Earth and Soul unite, there is a rare precious moment of Pure Alchemy to be acknowledged; worn and given to the next Earth Custodian who resonates with the Love of our great Earth Mother.

Earth Mother has created every single Crystal… Let’s Celebrate our REUNION with Her, by wearing Crystal Stone Jewellery in LOVE for Ourselves…