Chrysoprase / Herkimer Diamond Pendant


CHRYSOPRASE: Imparts a Sense of being a part of the Divine All. It induces Deep Meditative states. Promotes Hope.

HERKIMER DIAMOND:  Provides the energy of Delicate Harmony, enhancing Awareness and Spontaneity.


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Chrysoprase / Herkimer Diamond  Pendant with Chain

CHRYSOPRASE: Imparts a Sense of being a part of the Divine All. It induces Deep Meditative states. Promotes Hope, draws out Talents and Stimulates Creativity. Clams and Creates Openness to new situations; opposes judgementalism, stimulating Acceptance of Oneself and Others. Useful for Forgiveness and Compassion. Brings a sense of Security and Trust.  Excellent for Relaxation and Peaceful sleep. Has a strong detoxifying action.

HERKIMER DIAMOND:  Provides the energy of Delicate Harmony, enhancing Awareness and Spontaneity.  Helps one to BE, providing for an alliance of Surrender and a Strength Allowing for the recognition of the Essential Being within the Self.  Known as an Attunement Stone; it can be used to Attune oneself with another, environment or activity. Stimulates Clairvoyant and of Clairaudient abilities.


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