Grandmother Alchemy™ 8” F#+5 – Heart Chakra


Grandmother Alchemy™ 8” F#+5 – Wisdom of The Ages – Crystal Tones®️ Partner

Grandmother Alchemy™ Every Grandmother’s love and caring is represented in this beautiful bowl. We honour the Feminine energies in all and the Goddess/Crone as she reclaims her power on Earth.

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Grandmother Alchemy™ 8” F#+5 – Wisdom of The Ages – Crystal Tones®️ Partner

Grandmother Alchemy™ Every Grandmother’s love and caring is represented in this beautiful bowl. We honour the Feminine energies in all and the Goddess/Crone as she reclaims her power on Earth. Embrace your soul’s ageless Feminine Wisdom and the spiralling DNA of creation/birth with The Grandmother Bowl. The Crone is Gaia Energy. She is free of menses, aligned with the Graceful Strength and Dreamtime Magic of the Swan and shamanic practices, at home in her body. Time apart and discernment expand her Divine Wisdom. Grandmother, Crone and Goddess walk the Grande Mother path.

DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES:  Grandmother – Rare Metals.  The presence of The Grandmothers becomes palpable and ever present in your Consciousness.  She invites you to Live in the Absolute Present Moment for her to Manifest in her pure form. Channelled through the One Heart by Carmel Glenane BA Dip Ed.

FREE SHIPPING within Australia.

SOUND SAMPLE – Please Listen with Headphones.