Lemon Quartz / Aqua Aura / White Topaz / Multi Quartz Pendant


LEMON QUARTZ: Lemon Quartz is said to bless the wearer with the qualities of Optimism, Wellbeing and Creativity.

AQUA AURA: Calming, Connecting with Spiritual Realms, Psychic Protection…

WHITE TOPAZ: Spirituality, Psychic gifts, Mental Clarity.

Multi Colour Natural Quartz: Balances/Activates  Respective Chakras – Blue Third Eye / Yellow – Solar Plexus.

EMERALD: Divine Love

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Lemon Quartz / Aqua Aura / White Topaz / Multi Quartz Pendant with Chain

LEMON QUARTZ: Lemon Quartz is said to bless the wearer with the qualities of Optimism, Wellbeing and Creativity, in addition to all the normal qualities of clear quartz. It is said to support deep meditation and enhance focus on personal goals. It also helps the mind find clarity and a bright outlook.  Lemon Quartz encourages control over negative thoughts and aids in freeing the mind from anxieties. It is also thought to  bring out all the positive aspects of the wearer.   It  amplifies thoughts and information which in turn encourage clarity of thought and focus. It is believed that Lemon Quartz has the ability to help balance and strengthen communication  to encourage more clarity and satisfaction in conversation. (Rectangle shape)

Multi Colour Natural Quartz: Balances/Activates  Respective Chakras – Blue Third Eye / Yellow – Solar Plexus

AQUA AURA: Calming, Connecting with Spiritual Realms, Psychic Protection… Used to soothe anger, calm & cool the Emotional Body and Release Stress.. Helps you to become a Conscious Channel for Spiritual Wisdom…

WHITE TOPAZ: Spirituality, Psychic gifts, Mental Clarity.   Helps to clarify INTENTION, aligning it to Divine Will and Manifesting it in the physical world.. use to Speed up the vibrational energy of Intention.. (Tear Drop shape)

EMERALD: is the purest emanation of the GREEN RAY; the colour of the HEART Chakra. Helps one to Live and Act from the HEART level, offering Unconditional Love and Compassion in one’s daily life and relationships; opening one to RECEIVE LOVE from others and clearing the channel to one’s own connection to DIVINE LOVE.


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