Senju Kannon™ Usui REIKI Training
In this beautiful You Tube clip Carmel explains the origin of the Feminine Reiki, Senju Kannon.
The Divine Masculine Symbol is now available in 2018 after further pilgrimages to Mt Kurama. This video give you insight into the birth of the Divine Masculine Symbol and how it will support the Traditional Usui symbols and the Divine Feminine Senju Kannon Reiki.
Right now its time to Allow The Forces through Reiki mergence, bring you this new revolutionary energy. As you open up your own Stargate, the integration of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine symbols support Reiki’s Traditions.
Reiki’s Heart is alive to the challenges we are have now to sustain ourselves in our world today.
You are being invited to become part of our Global Senju Kannon Reiki family. The energy brings profound cellular remembering, celebrating its ancient lineage through Mt Kurama Japan, and strengthening your commitment to sustain the New Direction Reiki is able to bring you.
Revolutionary and Indepth; the system changes the way you ever thought about Reiki, bringing you The Force to sustain yourself in your Stargate Heart.
Celebrate the Divine Union of The Balanced Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine forces through Reiki. It is a gift to your Heart and our world.
We NOW Expect Senju Kannon Reiki Miracles.
We Now give All Love and All Truth for our Miracles to Manifest.
We are NOW Grateful.
Thank you Reiki.
A great article summarising the use of Reiki in hospitals, highlighting research results and containing interviews with medical practitioners, such as Dr. David Guillion, oncologist from Marin General who said “I feel we need to do whatever is in our power to help the patient. We provide state of the art medicine in our office, but healing is a multidimensional process”. Read the full article here
Robert Schiller is Assistant Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He is also chairman of the Department of Family Medicine, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York. He says “Reiki is safe and patients usually feel better after the first treatment”. When trained to self treat with Reiki, patients realise they have a crucial role in their own healing. He also says, “Physicians who use Reiki benefit from it in their own self care and make even the most conventionally oriented physician more effective and compassionate”. You can download the full article here.
Reiki in Hospitals Project
Reiki is one of the leading safe energy healing modalities. It has shown to be an effective healing modality when used by itself and when integrated with other treatments. Reiki has been found to be effective in the treatment of stress and depression. It has consistently been shown to have a beneficial effect on the levels of well being experienced by Reiki practitioners.
Reiki has been offered in over 800 hospitals in the United States. Scientific research on Reiki in a hospital setting has shown that patients receiving Reiki as part of their treatment experience reduced stress, a decrease in the amount of pain medication required, improved sleep and appetite, and an accelerated healing process. It has also been reported to reduce many of the unwanted side effects of radiation and drugs. Given it’s success, it would be beneficial to expand the use of Reiki in hospitals.
The Centre for Reiki Research has stringent standards and reviews for the studies it will include in it’s research results. It’s reports showed Reiki to be effective in 83% percent of cases in treating conditions relating to anxiety, pain, stress and mood. This is a higher percentage than some pharmaceuticals that are approved for medicinal use.
Reiki is truly of benefit to both the practitioner and the receiver of Reiki.
Research into Reiki massage by Olivia Bernard, Director of Massage and Remedial Therapies at Atlantis Rising Healing Centre.
If you would like to read about how a water molecule membrane receives the REIKI force energy through sound which created geometric patterns please read our post titled Imagining the Hidden Geometry of REIKI by Carmel Glenane
Q 1. If I have completed my Usui Reiki Level 1 , 2 or 3 Master Teacher with another Teacher or On Line, what are you offering?
A. After you have read the website information, if you decide you want Attunement to The Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Reiki, there are a number of options. All Attunements and Training Sessions are tailored to the individual depending on their circumstances and needs. You may like to have the additional symbols in an Attunement to them only within a workshop framework. (The minimum time would be 2 Hours, which would complete the Attunement to the Senju Kannon Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine symbols – in this ceremony you will receive the Attunement symbols and an explanation of them.) The 2 Hour Cermony does not include the Full training booklet. Tailored programmes to update you current Reiki Level can be discussed individually. A refresher Reiki program is available depending on your requirements. Price will be discussed after assessing what your needs are.
Q 2. What if I have already completed Senju Kannon Reiki and want to have the Attunement to The Divine masculine symbol?
A. You will be able to receive The Divine Masculine symbol in a 2 Hour intensive. However, you will need to book additional time to receive the full booklet which needs explanation in a workshop programme. Min 4 Hours.
Q 3. Can I have a refresher to Senju Kannon without The divine Masculine symbol?
A. Yes, the price structure and your needs would be discussed and agreed upon.
Q 4. Can the training be completed Online?
A. The Online training program is still in development. We do offer Attunement/Training via Distance. the programme can be completed with support material being forwarded to you, in a Question/Answer and Exercise format. You will be required to complete and demonstrate your commitment and knowledge and return completed modules to the Training School. It reflects your ability to be structured with the exercises provided and set for you to receive the study program. The Attunement can be completed via a Skype call. The investment for the Distance training/Attunement is the same as the in person Attunement.
Senju Kannon Reiki is Miracle Healing.
What are Miracles?
Miracles are created when we allow ourself to surrender to forces outside ourselves to assist us.
Attune to your Higher Self and Heart for your Senju Kannon Reiki miracle.
“I Now EXPECT a Senju Kannon Reiki miracle today for….”
1. Breathe in “Heart I Love You” affirmation placing the Senju Kannon Reiki symbol on your heart.
2. “I now give All Love and “All Truth” for your intent to manifest.
3. “I am NOW Grateful”.
You are now ready to receive your Senju Kannon Reiki miracle or miracles.
Document your miracles daily and your Senju Kannon Reiki miracles will start manifesting.
Received 11/1/2020 from Senju Kannon Usui – Level 1 Trainee:
![]() | Hi Carmel, Thankyou. It certainly is a life changing experience. I can feel and see it. I’m going great at the moment. You were right, the kundalini certainly opened up and the dogs came running at me kicking up a fuss. And they did not like their new master. I will be in contact for support. Heart I love you, Will. NZ |
Firstly, my immense infinite gratitude goes to Carmel Glenane , if it wasn’t for your divine commitment and teachings, 99% of us would be still floating around in shadows and illusions. Your endless devotion to Earth Mother, her Heart and her children is nothing short of ‘quantum love in action’. May the Forces forever hold you strong in your infinite ‘spiral of life’ ahead… you are truly truly loved across All dimensions…
This past 8 months of Training and Activating and Initiating with Carmel, with The Ascension Program and Reiki 1, 2 & Masters 3 – has eternally changed my soul path. I’m now on the Run Way, the Airstrip ahead is Wide and Infinity long, the lights are brightly beaming the way… my energy engines are supercharged ready – I’m ready to take off into my Stargate Heart and HEAL.
What a journey. What a gift we have! There’s no words. Just heart. Just light. Zana Benson
RECEIVED 26/4/19 from Senju Kannon Usui – Reiki Level 2 Training:
My journey to SK Reiki started only a few short months ago.. I am in awe of my own evolution as I EMBODY the Force of the Miracles everyday!
As I awaken to Earth Mother through SK Reiki Miracles my Heart is swelling and expanding. My mind is RESTFUL & CALM. My life evolves every day to a wider and wider expanded view of reality.
I FEEL my Cellular Matrix RECODING; Recoding with LOVE, POWER & WISDOM.
Heart I Love You. Bless you Carmel, BLESS, BLESS, BLESS.
RECEIVED 22/2/19 from Senju Kannon Usui – Reiki Level 1 training:
My heart has led me here 100%. After a bumpy ride to the Star of my journey, my heart knew where it needed to be. I feel home in my Temple, I feel ready for the infinite journey ahead with my beautiful teacher, Carmel.
I am in awe to the amazing energies that I’m grateful for being able to experience as they flow through my body. The LOVE that is experienced is out of this world!
Zana. Gold Coast.
RECEIVED 14/2/19 from Senju Kannon Usui – Reiki Level 2 training:
Valentines Day! My final day of “LOVE” training with Carmel. What a truly magical experience this has been; my mind is Blissfully Calm, my Heart is open and FULL of Light and Love. I look at the new world with Wonder now and can’t wait for the miracles that await. Thank you Carmel, Heart I Love You. Fiona. Tasmania
RECEIVED 5/2/19 from Senju Kannon/Usui Reiki Master Teacher training:
The Master Attunement has changed my beingin a deeply personal level, opening my heart to a new perspective of the planet Earth; my role here in Service to her. Bringing down the feminine energies from the Black heart of the Stellar Void, through my own Black Heart into The Earth Mothers Black heart… Heart I Love You so much!! Carmel is fabulous and the Teaching have my life going content. Gratitude, Katie. Brisbne
Received 14/11/18 from Senju Kannon Reiki Level 1 :
Thank you, thank you, thank you, I am so grateful for our time together, for your expertise as a Reiki Master Teacher. I feel like I have the keys to unlock my immortal heart and manifest gratitude. You have a wonderful team of beautiful souls around you and I just love my Moldavite Crystal singing bowl. Heart I Love you always, Melinda. Gold Coast.
Received 31/3/18 from Senju Kannon Reiki Level 1- The first student attuned to the new Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Reiki symbols together. – Anglea Ellen – Gold Coast
“This experience for my life was one that I was born to do. Fear held me back for many years. I/m free and I feel so blessed and empowered, to receive the gift of the Senju Kannon – Usui Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Reiki Level 1. I hold this sacred knowledge with integrity and respect. I prey that I will be able to honour The High Priestess and be of Service. I love my heart and the heart of All hearts.”
received 21/9/17 from Senju Kannon Reiki Master/Teacher – Catherine Brastel, from France.
On 15 September 2015, I received from my teacher Carmel Glenane Mastery in Reiki on the beach of la grenouille, a wonderful omen for what was expected in France, “Froggies Beach” In Coolangatta-Qld Australia. It is naturally that I returned to the sea this weekend to celebrate these 2 extraordinary years. Carmel gave me these wonderful gifts:
1st Gift: Reconnect me to my Divine Feminine through the Reiki of the Divine Feminine, with the inexhaustible help of the Goddess of compassion Senju Kannon / Quan Yin / Kali and the power it gives in itself, Self-esteem, yes, I deserve it! After the trials crossed as a mother of 2 children in a painful situation at that time of my life.
The 2nd Gift: To be able to convey the teachings of the Reiki of the Divine Feminine, and balancing the masculine and feminine forces by anchoring them in the heart of our Mother Earth.
The 3rd Gift: To listen to my heart and be able to tell her; “heart I love you!” And to be able to manifest everything that my heart desires in love and the truth (from my heart) supported by my husband. I’m grateful! Thank you to all those who have allowed me – including my children and they are fine!- and allow me to share in sharing and joy my work of love. Thank you to my sacred singing bowls and the magic they bring to all my care, initiations and meditations. Heart I love you. Catherine Brastel. France. 2017
Heart Consciousness Workshops
- The Heart and Breath.
- Breath entrainment, opening up your heart, having encodements placed in it for remembering.
- The force of consciously creating with your HEART as a remembering BEING, who is able to assist you birthing your true CORE IDENTITY, bringing EARTHING.
- The understanding of how CRYSTALLINE INTELLIGENCE through our entire Stargate Hearts Matrix can co-create with EARTH MOTHER’S Intelligence, HER Elements and Forces by playing and being attuned to CRYSTAL TONES Advanced alchemy Singing Bowls Demonstrations and group playing.
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