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Earth Your New Opportunities…

By staying close to who you really are creates opportunities every day. 

How can you create opportunities, when there seems to be too much busyness and the interference with the mind playing havoc, with your best laid plans… 

New Year is a perfect time to open new pathways, allowing the perfect opportunities bring you the greatest growth.  

A day can flash by in an instant… As we all know..

By asking yourself:  What did I achieve today to create perfect opportunities for my perfect life?

There are TWO very Important rules I apply to create my perfect opportunities:

  • Every Morning I ask my Intelligent Heart:  What do I need to Receive today for my : Health, Relationships, Creative outlets etc…

This may be a sentence; or a word (eg: Peace)… I need to Feel Worthy to have the Best.. etc.  

NOW; this is the IMPORTANT PART:

  • EARTH the INTENT…  Giving your Intent to Earth Mother herself..

Speak to Earth Mother as a Friend; a confidant.   We are all weary travellers on the road of life, so making the Phone Call for Help to Earth Mother, evoking Her Help, will keep you Focused, Living in the absolute Present Moment.. 

A small record, written down at the end of the day…

  • What did I achieve today?

Gives you a chance to examine your Intent for the Day and see how it Manifested.  

If you wobble; and we All do!...  Take the Intent down to Earth Mother to make sure you can be in alignment for the opportunities which present themselves the Next Day…

Just Remember:  Earth Mother has All the Secrets…

Everything you need  to know is under your Feet…

The language of the Heart, can only come from an Earthed Heart…

Otherwise it won’t Trust…

If you don’t TRUST; you Rust…

Have a magical day creating New Opportunities..

Be in the Absolute Co-creation with Earth Mother for Everything…

Heart I Love you, 



The Final Secret