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Why is it Important to Know your Crystalline Structure?

For us to begin this journey together, you are being invited to take Personal Responsibility for Everything that happens to you.  This is called Self Empowerment and Emotional Responsibility.

If we are to face our mind based paradigm and not have the weapons to Protect and Sustain our totality leaves us at peril and the information will not go to where it is needed most.

It is most needed in the Heart; and the Heart’s Intelligence is the Master which controls the fate of our journey in human form. 

Knowing you Actually Are a Crystalline Structure, which is Intelligent, was discovered in the 17th Centaury!

I invite you to NOT THINK ‘The Language’ but to FEEL its resonance Deep within your Heart…

  • Could it be Possible; that I am an Intelligent Crystalline Structure?
  • Could it be Possible that 1/8th of Earth is composed of the same Structure that’s in every Cell in my body?
  • Could this be the reason why you may have been so attracted to Crystals, Rocks, or Stones since childhood?

The Call Home to the Earth is now Activating in our Collective Humanness.

My course:Know your Crystalline Structure” helps you unlock this fundamental intrinsic part of your ‘Being’.   

Your life on Earth begins as a Crystalline Structure Cell.  Your Sacred Geometric Cells are Crystalline.  Just Feeling this Activates your Core Remembering.

“Within each of my cells, I am composed of ONE Sacred Geometric Crystalline Structure, and Earth Mothers Crystals and Gems are also composed of One Sacred Geometric Crystalline Structure.”

This is Revolutionary… Try and imagine now, your Astrological Sign and how much emphasis is placed on it in all aspects of life.  Knowing that your Astrological sign is Taurus – my traits are patient, organised, supportive stubborn; resistant to change, overindulgent… etc.  Now imagine instead of 12 Astrological houses; There are 8 Crystalline Structures, and you are ONE of the EIGHT…

So what?…

I am a Crystalline Structure…  What will this do for me?

Know that your Crystalline Structure has a Personality and Life Style Type (just compare it to astrology) and each Crystalline Structure will reveal your Relationship Patterns.. When you are ready to face the Truth of Relationship, Career, situations etc.  

What’s MORE…

The Know your Crystalline Structure Course invites you to play your Crystal Bowls; Select bowls; create healing and events and train others in creating Life Changing Transformation…

I have been Healing, Creating Workshops and Sound Immersions with the Crystalline Intelligence Structures for some years now.  Clients and Students testimonials have been so Enthusiastic and Self Empowering…

REMEMBER, we are Crystalline Cells.  Earth Mother is Crystalline Intelligence.  It is Earth Mother who has overseen this work, as I have been Channelling her intelligence, as a Force for many years now. 

Connect NOW to complete the Course and Know your Crystalline Structure…