You are currently viewing Self FORGIVENESS  =  RESPECT…


Today enables you to really establish a sense of real understanding of yourself, at an entirely new level.  You are witnessing disconnection from you need to needing anyone in your life and you are Allowing this important New Cycle to Open for you…

Be Alive to the Spirit of this Allowance and truly allow yourself to connect to the One Heart of Every Living Thing to support you in this process.

The sense of this Allowance brings you into complete resonance with the One… One… One.. 

For the One…  One…  One.. can only come from a Heart that has FORGIVEN itself for the perils it undertakes on the journey.  

Be ALIVE and witness this Daily

Keep FORGIVING Yourself and 


For when you Forgive the SELF, you Allow the SELF to be Heard.

Be very alive the what the energy can bring you now; and separate yourself into Morning – Afternoon – Evening Reflections…

  • What can I Forgive Myself for?
  • What can I Now Allow Myself?

When this simple SELF LOVE becomes ASCTUALIZED there is a state of real understanding of the risks and perils, we all constantly allow ourselves to be subjected to. 

This allows SPACE for the enormity of the human challenge and the OPPORTUNITY to RESET; RECONNECT back to the HEART.

  • The HEART plugs in again… 
  • Visualize your HEART being plugged into the EARTH

Just like you PLUG IN YOUR PHONE!

  • And the Communication Restarts again…

It is distressing to have No Communication, and this is what the HEART feels when you don’t Acknowledge the perils to be Cleared and FORGIVENES; SELF FORGIVENESS Activated.

Observance of the DAILY RITUAL – Morning – Afternoon – Evening/ End of Day Before Sleep Reflections…  gives you the Chance to really Restructure your humanness and begin to Acknowledge to Yourself Daily, that Life is a constant uphill battle if you don’t Consciously; Wilfully and Consistently PLUG into EARTH MOTHER…

To begin this Commitment, requires you to witness the chaos and challenges during the day; and Consciously CLEAR IT; for only then can Powerful HEART CENTERED COMMUNICATION can begin to be Heard.

SELF Forgiveness requires RESPECT for really HOW Important YOU are…

Heart, I Love, You


REFERENCE: Awaken your Immortal Intellgient Heart