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SPACE – Step Inside YOU…

As a society, we are so busy trying to find solutions to life’s problems through others; (ie: friendships, contacts, web media, sources of info etc.) OUTSIDE Ourselves, that it’s often impossible to Step INSIDE Yourselfto put the problem to YOURSELF….

To expect an answer from you…. Does require discipline and structure…

However, the most important thing is to expect the answer from YOU FIRST…

This bypasses others opinions of events, circumstances until YOU have checked in with YOU FIRST…

As people have appointments with me daily to help them get plugged in again at so many levels; I like to offer them at the end of their consultation, some simple solutions to allow themselves SPACE to process LIFE right now…

What does SPACE mean to you?

The word SPACE; what does it mean to you?

How do YOU cultivate SPACE?

Very few people really meditate to just simply create Space

For them they feel they must ‘Be Doing Something’ even in meditation…

  • The TRICK is to cultivate a SPACE time…
  • An Inner Landscape just to place your Life issues firmly in your Own Court…

Simple solutions are actually SIMPLE…

So why complicate your SPACE… it is Space after all…

You can begin to establish a dialogue with your MIND FIRST…

By saying to it:

  • You are FREE for the next 30 minutes; just don’t Bark at me with all your questions that you can’t solve anyway…

A regular DAILY practice allows your whole body and Beingness to Reset…

By Affirming:

  • “I am NOW  resetting”   “I need to Reboot; Realign; Reprogramme myself daily”
  • Nothing needs to happen, IN THIS SPACE…. You actually don’t have to DO Anything…

There is nothing more challenging to a human than being humane to Yourself

Our Soul in human form then allows energy to pour in…

Every cell and molecule of the psyche are filled…

(It is so easy to become dross filled in this negative hate filled environment.. )

Infuse your Cellular Memory to Accept New Frequencies… All frequencies then are being Reprogrammed; Recoded and Realigned  when YOU decide I Need My SPACE

Step Inside You and Feel YOU…

Heart I Love you, 


 P.S. Oh and by the way if you haven’t already grabbed it yet, we have an amazing FREE Masterclass on ancient Secrets to Manifestation. Grab it  >>here<<.