The Divine Feminine principle is to really Self Nurture.
To Self Nurture gives a person a real understanding of the totality of their humanness, as it is essentially Opening the Heart and Earth Pathway. As the principle of the Divine Feminine is associated with The Goddess, it Opens the Heart to Receive Love.
The Heart cannot grow until it Receives…
The Goddess allows the person to Receive FIRST…
When the Heart opening has been established and practices such as saying: “Heart I love you” affirmation every day; the integrating Heart begins to become EARTHED, for the first time..
The truly Earthed person lives in the ABSOLUTE NOW…
Observing the Mind and Emotional Heart constantly as a Witness, to its domination over the persons totality…
See the Divine Feminine as a Mother’s Love, without the human emotional overlay which comes with human mothering. This is Unconditional Source Love; always available. The energy through the Divine Mother through the Divine Feminine principle… As humanity is moving collectively to the Divine Mother, there is an instant and recognizable connection for All humans to want to Receive this Love…
Our conditioning through patriarchy, has dismissed the Divine Feminine as being Not Important or needed in our Mind Driven, Competitive world…
Our Hearts CALL for this SELF LOVE every day, and to know the Divine Feminine is energy freely given through Receiving, will give the Heart a chance to be heard, once again…
The Force energy through the Divine Feminine comes through the sacred Element of WATER… The Element of Water is located in the Heart Chakra – the SELF energy belt… and its Force is one of Hearts expression when Balanced. When the Heart is Opened through Water visualizations with INTENT to RECEIVE through the Divine Feminine; the LOVE pours in…
To hold the SELF LOVE, through the Divine Feminine in the BASE Chakra (Root) EARTH Element – SELF NURTURING energy belt is activated…
This Element is also consciously activated through visualizing Earth Mother clearing out stagnant energy in this Centre. The Force is EARTHED, providing stability for the Heart to FEEL SAFE in expressing itself…
Humanity needs the Divine Feminine now more than ever… as humanity is moving into transformation… The collective remembering needs this activation now for us to evolve as a species.
Men in our culture NEED the Divine Feminine as much as women for Self Love and Self Nurturing…
We are bombarded with stereotypes which marginalize women’s true authenticity and All humans must observe this in their own personal evolution. SELF RESPONSIBILITY is created through the Divine Feminine principle as it invites people to Honour the Force of the Divine Mother and evolve….
Emotional VS PURE LOVE…
Pure Love is Divinely Feminine as it is expressed through the persons Total Being… our Emotional lives are the slave of Pure Love, as it wants love to feed itself…
Our human journey is to Examine Love in All its aspects… The Divine Feminine is PURE LOVE; as it invites you to send loving thoughts to YOURSELF daily…
You are invited to become your own creation, as you are the fruits of the seeds you sew.. The Divine Feminine invites you to plant your Love Seeds…
Your seeds are sewn in the Earth – Base Chakra – Self Nurturing energy belt; these seeds are sewn as the human experience is to examine Love in All its aspects.
The Divine Feminine creates the framework for this activation to take place…
Carmel Glenane.
Atlantis Rising.
P.S. Oh and by the way if you haven’t already grabbed it yet, I have an amazing FREE Masterclass on Ancient Secrets to Manifestation. Grab it >>HERE<<.