You are currently viewing The Web of Infinity…

The Web of Infinity…

Trusting in yourself to create in the Web of Infinity brings you into the Heart of the Mystery where everything is able to become part of your creative process.

Locating where you need guidance; what part of yourself needs integrating right now; allows you the opportunity to see yourself not stuck or fixed, trying to find a solution to a problem alone.  

Imagining yourself now in your Web of Infinity…

You are the Heart of the Web… 

Begin to observe where your challenge is.

  • Are you at some level resisting the flow of energy being made available to you?
  • In what form is this resistance pulling you back into an old pattern of disbelief about what you are capable of?

To resist the flow of integration of All forces Assisting you invites you now to observe just how easy it is to give your power away to a former aspect of yourself…

Your enemy to integrating is your past.  Observe how the old pattern gives you restrictions, blocks and encourages Self Doubt.  This is the broken part of your Web of Infinity and you need help immediately to Breathe Love into that broken part of your web. 

As your Intelligent Heart is radiating out energy; for help from the Universal Field, it is important to get the Web mended…

  • How do you do this in an environment which doesn’t appear to offer solutions? (ie: friends, family, colleagues etc)

Acknowledge that you are creating from an old pattern and that your old solutions are just not working in this present context.  

  • Restate your INTENT
  • Now locate the challenge
  • See where the web is broken
  • Visualize a huge Infinity Flower of Life over the whole web; invading the broken bits…
  • Gently Superimpose the Flower of Life 0ver all your Subtle Bodies
  • Now Allow the energy into your whole Being..

Do this every time there is Resistance or Challenge..

The Resistance – The Challenge represents the web parts..

  • How big is the Resistance to your Intent?
  • How often you need to create the web?

Shock, betrayals and loss all activate negative emotions, resentments will attach to useless junk emotions.

It is important to have Healthy Intelligent Communicating Subtle Bodies to support all aspects of your Totality.

Begin now to softly drape the Flower of Life around your Being and keep Reinforcing your Intent…

Challenges and Resistance just melt away…

You are Now in your Web of Infinity

Heart I Love you, 


TRAINING AVAILABLE: In Person LINK: Know your Crystalline Structure