What Exactly is an INTELLIGENT HEART?

We are on solid scientific ground when we talk of the INTELLIGENCE of the HEART, however many people are generally confused about exactly what is an INTELLIGENT HEART? 

If you have ever felt the energy of your innate intelligence speak to you, you are beginning to feel the force of your own INTELLIGENT HEART, whisper it’s secrets to you.

As an Author, teacher and healer on HEART INTELLIGENCE, I am always inviting clients and students every day to LISTEN to their INTELLIGENT HEARTS 

My core work is to access this intelligence so the client and I can communicate what information the person needs through becoming a HEART WHISPERER. 

The Ancient Egyptian civilisation is the source information for this knowledge. Temple training was to help the Initiate understand the entire structure of Egyptian Science. Wisdom was to be approached through the INTELLIGENCE of the HEART.

For the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School Sages the definition of HEARTS INTELLIGENCE is ….INTUITION LATENT, and can be awakened by TRAINING.

This training enabled the Initiates to develop their own INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL GIFTS 

Whilst other cultures were great in learning it was the Ancient Egyptian Sages which kept in its integrity THE HEART INTELLIGENCE as a fundamental principle of the SCIENCE OF THE HEART 

Whilst our bodies always feel the influence of what is around us, I.e. the Forces of Nature, the Star Alignments, our own instincts etc, we free ourselves when we learn to be NEUTRAL, (Detached) and follow the instructions of our hearts without letting things PETURB us.

The Ancient Egyptian Sages called this detachment THE WAY OF MAAT.

To train yourself to become your own HEART WHISPERER requires Discipline and Training, for nothing is achieved without these two essential ingredients.

To discipline our minds from its incessant meanderings and chatter; requires vigilance and effort.

However, by giving the heart it’s space to FIND its own answer for a physical, emotional, or spiritual problem, will open THE GATEWAY to consulting with THE MASTER, the INTELLIGENT HEART. 

Training the vast and cunning intelligence of the mind to OBEY the HEART is achieved through RITUAL and DEDICATION to live WHOLISTICALLY through the HEARTS vision.

Isha Schwaller de Lubicz, in her classic book on Egyptian Studies, (Her Bak Egyptian Initiate) describes the hearts vision being reflected in the brain:

…”but whereas the healer synthesis perception into vital consciousness

     the brain separates, localises them, as well as perform other functions 

     of comparison that are indispensable if a (chief) ie your heart is to 

      form rational judgements. That is why the word for brain “ais” is an 

      inclusion of “Sia” the consciousness of the heart.” 

To trust in the principles outlined through these ancient studies, you are trusting in the principle of LAW, ORDER and LIGHT over FEAR, DARKNESS, and DESPAIR. 

Despair is the total breakdown of the HEARTS INTELLIGENCE to create with us.

Allowing your HEARTS INTELLIGENCE to flower is to protect it, listen to its TRUTH, and in doing so, you will discover an untapped realm of information to give your newly AWAKENED HEART a chance to stir from its slumber, where like a tiny kitten or baby, who opens it’s eyes to the world for a few seconds, closes them , and then opens them for a little longer until the kitten or baby eyes are fully seeing.

Our HEARTS EYES are no different. 

Allow this ALL LOVING feeling create in you the delight in the process of being human, by becoming your own HEART WHISPERER through Discipline and Training. 

Hearts I love YOU 



Awaken your Immortal Intelligent HeartCarmel Glenane BA Dip Ed


Select the HEART & EARTH PATHWAY for more information on COURSES

Her Bak Egyptian Initiate – Isha Schwaller de Lubicz

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