To surrender to a view of yourself which does not have a past, allows you to create a world of the most unbelievable Magic.
Having a past pattern repeat itself again and again is robbing you of precious energy, to create in the present now… For Example: You may be experiencing an emotion about a loved one, a financial or health issue.
The challenge is not to attach a story to it; and relive that story and recreate the same emotion in a different form.
We are all capable of doing this. IE: I have an injury, an emotional reaction to a situation etc.
Immediately the mind will attach a story to this emotion. This story can create many similar stories of other similar situations, creating in your subtle bodies; Aura, Energy Field, Light Body and Chakras, including your Hearts Chakras..
This is clogged energy.. The energy can and will stagnate over time creating many new stories for you to create from…
Allowing the mind just 10 seconds of indulgence is enough…
- Then YOU; the Heart says: “No that’s enough! I am now able to shift this stuck energy and allow myself energetic resources to help me now”.
To Create with Powerful New Energy drawing it up from the EARTH, where her Crystalline Intelligence Stone Beings can be accessed to help you create perfect New Opportunities, Adventures and Miracles.
Our Subtle Bodies are very sensitive to Vibration and just stating to yourself, addressing your Subtle bodies (there are many) saying:
- “I now create concordance in All my Energy Selves”
Allows the miraculous forces create the most powerful life changing situations.
This simple BREATH VISUALIZATION supports the integration of the Subtle bodies; allowing NATURE to really come to your aid.
- If you can imagine laying down on EARTH MOTHER.
- resting on her sacred Flower of Life, (the Solar Plexus of her Being) and
- calling in her Sacred Elements and Forces – Stone Beings
- to help you create a new story…
- for any issue you may be experiencing at any given moment.
We all carry around so much past attachment to practically everything that is negative…
Imagine yourself shifting into your Intelligent Heart, and having it access the Highest Source of information together for your issue right now.
- Your Energy, through your Intelligent Heart, will go out to the Unified Field (the Black Heart… the One Heart.
- RELEASE the old story…
- And begin to create a New Fully Integrated outcome now…
Observe now your Stories… that create themselves time and time again…
Robbing you of your ability to create Divine Magic by Living in the Absolute NOW…
Heart, I Love You,
PS: If guided, let me know how you have created new outcomes through witnessing the ‘mind’ create from you past.
Training Programmes and Healing is available to support you in creating your New Identity….
Gratitude, Carmel.