Your WEB of LIFE

Birthing your own ability to step outside the matrix of Collective Fear creates a sense of real understanding of why you are creating your new Web.

Imagine weaving you OWN SACRED WEB which will have ENERGY, LIFE FORCE and RENEWAL long after the current fear has gone. Believing in your own power to create in you own Web of Life; feeding yourself with the Sacred Power of your Remembered Truth is a Right; not just a fantasy.

RENEWAL brings HOPE after loss and Renewal can only come from a space of Acknowledgment that you DESERVE to draw off the Web of Life Energy. This ALLOWANCE comes from a space WITHIN you, and it is the INTELLIGENT HEART.

On the Birthday of Carl Jung; founder of analytical psychology, it is time to Reflect on his Wisdom:

“Your vision will become clear only, when you look into your own Heart. Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks ‘inside’ AWAKES”.

The Intelligent Heart awakes when it is shown TRUTH, not Fear and when you begin to weave your Web of Life, your ONE HEARTS TRUTH MATRIX begins to take shape. For this is the Sacred Power of your Remembering.

Your world begins to vibrate to another frequency. It is called LOVE. The LOVE of Your SELF against the Force of your tyrannous mind and its cunning and not so cunning traps. You deserve to feel you have the power to construct your Own Web of Life. It is created every day and made stronger when you OBSERVE your REACTION to Collective Fear, and do NOT give it energy.

This is your ONE HEARTS TRUTH MATRIX; Your Web is Love.

This LOVE you constantly Reinforce when you Observe and say: “This is not my reality’.

Our conceptual currency has had its roots in the shared truth of Carl Jung.

Lets celebrate his vision and look to our ONE HEARTS to create the Collective Web of Life.

Happy Weaving!

Heart I love you, Carmel.



My BOOK: Awaken your Immortal Intelligent Heart

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